

asin:B000FI8TZK、SizeXってカーブはいったい何なんだろう? 昔はそうだったのかなぁ?

SizeX,Y,Z means ScaleX,Y,Z and that is one of the oldest usability mistakes in Blender. I remarked it too but as many time "Its not a bug, its a feature"

……そうなのか? いつの間にかこのせいで変わったのか? とほほ。

Thanks for the comments everybody, and I apologize for the
bad nomenclature in my earlier mail. Above is the URL to a
patch I uploaded to the patch tracker. In the patch I use the
terminology DimX, DimY, and DimZ for the bounding box dimensions
in the Tranform Properties panel, and I've renamed SizeX, SizeY,
SizeZ to ScaleX, ScaleY, and ScaleZ respectively (and for
consistency, I have also renamed other references in the source
that refer to size, e.g. 'Clear Size?' now becomes 'Clear Scale?').

なになに、「I've renamed SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ to ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ respectively」……って、貴様かー!